About Us
- Partners in Crisis
- Hunger Relief
- Onward Bound
- Hope Baskets
- Domestic Help
- Hunger Haul
What Makes
Us Special?
65 Years +
Counselors serving others
Helping the hurting and suffering
As qualified, equipped counselors and chaplains, we consider of supreme importance the health and well-being of all family members. Please contact us for credentials. We bare with the traumas that many experience with regard to domestic violence....
Action Plan to "Go and do likewise."
- Bill and Annie Malone have chosen partnering in crisis as a labor of love. With the help of God's Word and certain individuals and resources, we have a passion to serve the truly needy. See documentation of working progress of true stories of individuals in the "Set Free" section of this site.
Our accomplishments reveal how many precious folks evolve from lives in downward spiral to several who can grasp on to a New Fresh Start, Loving care, and Hopefulness. As we experience evidence of this amazing love and hope take root in the hearts of so many, our energy is reinforced by seeing families change and grow. Some have become volunteers now.
Policies, principles, rules, and guidelines have been adopted by Operation Living Hope to help reach its long term goal to proactively alleviate personal crises from the disadvantaged and help toward self-sufficiency by mentoring toward living hope. Together, the policies and procedures ensure that the mission held by the governing body translates into steps that result in an outcome that is parallel with the mission.
Transparency in every aspect of our organization is vital to its success. Operation Living Hope strives to be trustworthy as it adheres to the following disclosures and policies, and thus enable us to work effectively to acheive the goals of OLH supporters.
Public Disclosures
1 OLH Board 2022
2 OLH Board Responsibilities
3 OLH Bylaws
4 OLH Conflict of Interest
5 OLH Discontinue Contact
6 OLH Donor Privacy
7 OLH Travel Expense
8 OLH Whistle Blower
9 OLH Fundraising
10 OLH Non Discrimination
Policies, Practices, Financials
a OLH Mission Statement
b OLH Narrative
c OLH Aricles of Incorporation
d OLH Financil Statement 2022-23
e OLH 990 Tax Form 2022-23
f OLf H Attorney General Annual Report
g OLH Audit Rationale
h OLH MN Counsel of Non Profits
i OLH 501(c)3
k OLH Allocation of Funds 2022-23
The Team
Jerry and Karen Hime .... Counselors Referal
Bill and Annie Malone .... Annie is Founder - President and Bill is Operations Manager
Marvin York.... Youth Development Hennepin County Juvenile Detention Center
Dave and Sally Whiteford Activly Retired Chaplain Hennepin County Adult Detention Center
Counseling and Serving Clients
Suicide intervention, partnering in crisis, decision making choices, enduring heart change, hope resolution. OLH volunteers are highly credentialed, award winning, and highly specialized in the aforementioned; yet admit they are people in need helping people in need. The labor of love is exhausting but rewarding. OLH vitally supports sound family.
OLH clients suffer and contend with some, or all the following: poverty, fear, isolation, worry, despair, anxiety, depression, abandonment, loneliness. Is substance abuse involved? We identify and help with the needs of vulnerable people and their communication breakdowns, resolving conflict, anger, bitterness, helping to curtail arguments and quarreling in marriages. Before escalating to violence and abuse, we discern when the law should be involved.
A Labor of Unconditional Love ...
Crises are as diverse as the people who have them. Operation Living Hope has come alongside those who have lost their resolve -- those possessed by fear, others suffering tremendous loss, or some dealing with consequences of addictions. We listen, evaluate, help supply what is lacking, point to a new direction, and facilitate along their way.